On 19 January 2021, CEFI will hold the online conference entitled Deepening our understanding of vaccines in times of pandemic. Registration is free of charge. Programme and registration
On 19 January 2021, CEFI will hold the online conference entitled Deepening our understanding of vaccines in times of pandemic. Registration is free of charge. Programme and registration
Two new issues of the journal published by CEFI are available: Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico issue 75 (October-December 2020). Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia issue 91 (September-December 2020).
On 19 January 2021, CEFI will hold an online conference entitled Deepening our understanding of vaccines in times of pandemic. Programme and registration
There have been some eventful days recently in terms of important pharmaceutical regulations and legislation: Community pharma strategy to which we dedicated a post on LinkedIn Proposal for a Data Governance Regulation. Re-use of certain public sector data, including health […]
Global action in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Joint statement by the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (ICMRA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), supported by the Spanish Medicines and Health Products Agency (AEMPS), with regulatory agencies adopting […]
In the next issue of the Comunicaciones journal, CEFI is pleased to count on the expert opinion of Jesús Rubí Navarrete, Deputy Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and Rafael Garcia Gozalo, Executive Advisor and Head of the […]
Natividad Calvente Cestafe, Director of Innovation, Training and Institutional Relations at the General Council of Pharmaceutical Associations contributes to a monographic issue of the journal Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico [Pharmaceutical Law Review] with a magnificent article on early access to […]
Commentary on the Royalty Pharma Ruling of the CJEU of 30 April 2020. Full text: Comunicaciones ENG oct 2020 pag
The reference price system and annual reference price orders are intended to contribute to the sustainability of the SNS. They should also promote the right balance between innovative generic/biosimilar, competition and competitiveness in the pharmaceutical and health market. Price decisions […]
El sistema de precios de referencia y las sucesivas ordenes anuales de precios de referencia pretenden contribuir a la sostenibilidad del SNS. También deben fomentar el justo equilibrio entre innovador-genérico/biosimilar, la competencia y la competitividad en el mercado farmacéutico y […]
Issue 74 (July-September 2020) of the journal Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico is available online. Monographic issue ‘Spanish National Health System changes for innovation, efficiency and patient service’. Contents: CEFI position paper. Spanish National Health System changes for innovation, efficiency and […]
The Ministry of Health has published Draft Order SND/ /2020, of, by which the price reference system for medicinal products in the Spanish National Health System will be updated in 2020. The text is available for consultation and comments on […]
A foundation for promoting and supporting research and technological development, especially regarding the pharmaceutical industry