Within the field of legal protection for inventions, intellectual property, which encompasses copyright, is a key asset. Patents and trademarks play an important role in the protection of intangible assets in general and in the pharmaceutical sector in particular.
Copyright, as a type of intellectual property, is also specifically covered in one of the sections of our Comunicaciones journal and we strive to examine and monitor the most relevant issues in this area.
Unlike in Spanish, there is no difference between industrial and intellectual property in English, in which a broader concept of intellectual property is used that encompasses both industrial and intellectual property. For this reason, the CEFI website in English does not make this distinction and refers to intellectual property only, whereas the Spanish version talks about the two areas as separate entities.
From a legal point of view, we look at new developments, legal reforms and case law and work towards effective protection for patents and trademarks.
We produce legal studies and reports, publications, courses and seminars and focus much of our institutional work on this area.
We monitor intellectual property developments at national and European level, analyse them from a legal standpoint and disseminate the results as a way of contributing to better protection of such property.
We partly disseminate intellectual property content through our journals: Comunicaciones en Propiedad Industrial y Derecho de la Competencia (Communications on Intellectual Property and Competition Law), which contains a specific section on intellectual property, and Cuadernos de Derecho Farmacéutico [Pharmaceutical Law Review], where we include current issues of interest related to intellectual property in the pharmaceutical sector, both in terms of doctrine and case law.
We rely on our collaborators, the best intellectual property experts with both theoretical and practical experience, to conduct these analyses.
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A foundation for promoting and supporting research and technological development, especially regarding the pharmaceutical industry